I have been searching the internet for hours looking for answers and I came upon this forum; YAY! I am 32 year old female and for the last 3 months I have been suffering with what seems to be gallbladder problems. Everything that I ate caused me abdominal pain chest pain and diarrhea. I ended up in the hospital 3 times in as many months and lost 25 pounds because of my inability to eat without getting sick. Last weekend I did my first gallbladder flush and was pleased to see big black blobs. However, I expected them to be hard. They were not. I could easily mash them flat. They were the consistency of clay. My question is are these really what was causing my problems? I can tell you this though. I feel great! I can eat now without abdominal cramping I havent felt sick or anything for almost one week. My bowel movements are normal and I have more energy. Could this all be psychosomatic on my part. Why am I not getting hard stones out? Is it because I am relatively young? Any perspective would be helpful.