Re: Oh, and...(probiotics and milk thistle)
Tracey wrote: "You mean taking a good probiotic can give you diarrea? hmmmmm....but then your system gets used to it and you're back to normal?"
Yup. It's kind of like when Americans visit Mexico and get Montezuma's Revenge. As you may know, it's not that uncommon for Mexicans visiting the United States to get a similar reaction when eating our lettuce, for example, until they become accustomed to our bacteria.
This diarrhea can easily be more severe than
Epsom Salts (i.e., no time to make it to the loo), so it's a good idea for us to gently introduce these bugs into our digestive systems. Taking the first dose on Friday evening when we know that we'll be around the house on the weekend is not a bad way to start.
23rdman's cabbage recipe is interesting. I especially appreciate that one recipe calls for soaking the raw cabbage in bleach water. I have been trying to buy a decent, non-moldy raw cabbage in Northern California for the last 4 months to no avail.
It certainly can take three months (or in some cases even six months) to firmly establish the levels of probiotics that really work for us. However, I would be much more comfortable if there were an analysis of how much of what type of bacteria is in their concoction. Until I have something definitive, I think I'll stick with the Primadophilus Bifidous.
Also, I'm not sure how much I need another time-consuming thing right now. Now maybe if there were a Mrs. Hypoguy... ;).