I've been passing stones throughout the day though it's only been 4 or 5 stones per BM since after the first few hundred after my first 2 E/GFJ drinks this morning.
But an hour ago I had a bowel movement and it contained 2 or 3 more small stones plus I guess this was the bonus round and I passed some other weird looking stuff. I could only guess at the time that it was prolly some kinda parasites since I've been zapping and doing a parasite cleanse for 10 days. I went through the pixs on this site but couldn't quite find a match. Then a bout half and hour ago I got a call from a friend that has been doing the cleanses longer than I have and I tried to decribe what I had passed. Well he said does it look like the kinda seaweed that floats in on the beach and I said Bingo!! That the ticket yeah! with a coupla sacklike thingies hanging from it. He said that is Candida.
Hot Dam! I thought I had suspected that I might be harboring some Candida since in the last couple of years I had a coupla hospital accident related episodes where I was kept on Antibiotics for as much as 2 months straight with 10 days of that being intravenous.