Re: I feel like I have lead others astray by giving advice on this forum and if I made anyone ill or die I am so sorry.
Sounds like more than anything, you need a hug, girl. So consider yourself hugged :-))
Don't be down on yourself. One of the most important things we as souls in this realm, must make the greatest commitment to in this life, is to love and honor ourselves. There are more than enough out there who will be critical and unloving to us...we need to continually strive to see ourselves in and on a higher level.
As far as your physical discomfort and emotional and health issues are concerned, "let go and let God". Sometimes we try to do too much in too short a period of time, and our bodies aren't quite there yet, and we create more negative energy around us.
Paramahansa Yogananda once said that when we are overwhelmed with problems it is good and healthy to just stop and step away--even if stepping away simply means taking a moment to marvel at the sunshine, or drink in a wonderful cleansing breath or to marvel at the beauty of a child--but to just leave the problem alone for a time in order to refresh the soul.
As so many have said on this forum and it is true, it takes years to get into bad shape, and it won't be corrected overnight...perhaps even over a few years sometimes.
The bottom line is not to give up, to stay vigilant, and BELIEVE that you will get better. When your faith is not there, your healing won't be either, Mary. I say this, even though I often wake up--daily--feeling like I can't go on. But you know what? God always gives me strength and courage, even if for just that one day--and the result is I'm still here, so obviously I could go know?
Your advice, obviously given from the heart, is just as valuable as any given by that given/offered by anyone else on this forum. No one here purports to have all the answers--we're all here to offer support and perhaps direction to those who ask, based upon our individual and collective experiences.
No one is forced to accept anyone's information -- life is always about choice. So don't change your username in making a contribution, and don't feel you have nothing to offer--everyone on this planet was brought here for a purpose and we're all vital and important in the universe and have something to offer.
Try to take each day one at a time--don't look back OR forward. I know it sounds cheesy, but it is nonetheless true: live in the moment. If that moment is good, be thankful and joyful about it. If it is not, trust that the Creator--who brought you here to Curezone as well as to this side of the universe---knows this, and will never leave you alone to deal with it, even if it sometimes appears that way. You'll be OK.