Healthy heart diets have Omega Essential fatty Acids{EFAs].
Fish oils are the common source
However, mercury in fish is a threat to healthy hearts
Most of us know this allready, but one terrific source of Omega oils is now so well known - Hemp Seed!! "Shelled hemp hearts" is the product I buy , and I love the taste and the way the hemp Hearts can be used with so many meals and recipies. Slighly nutty flavour, mild, eaten raw oir cooked as the oils are resistant to heat damage - more than almost any edible oil!!!!
Its all true - one of the most usefull plants on earth, with benefits for obesity, heart disease, and cancer - the big three killers and causes of chronic illnesses!!! The longer this prohibition goes on, the longer people will suffer. No wonder that BushCo and his oil and pharmacy friends are fighting Canada's move to make it "less illegal", and maybe one day get hemp and cannibus back into the market place.
What a shame that heart disease is such a common killer and the ruination of so many lives when the seeds of hemp plants - no dope involved at all - have the highest rations of oega 3 , 6 and 9 EFAs.
Hemp grows easily, and replenishes soils too!
It was banished, prohibited, early in the 20th C. by a collaboration of pharmaceutical corporations who funded the Emily Murphy movement to get women the right to vote. That is a good thing of course, and nearly half of women do still vote, but the prohibition on Hemp has been a terrible waste and many have needlessly and unjustly suffered in jail too.
Its a long complex story as to how these two items got tossed together, but it is factual that the main thrust for prohibition for pot and hemp came from the pharmaceutical industry.
Because cannibus is medicine , an effective medicine for many conditions - likely the single most usefull plant for medicines.
And that Hemp oils and fibres could have reduced the need for so many petroleum products too. The pharmacetuical and petrocochemical[fossil fools!] industries work hand in hand for this continuing prohibition against hemp and cannibus.
Oh my. People are still going to jail, pot is still being touted as a dangerous drug in the midst of meth flooding the streets. Its all a show to make us think pot and hemp are "evil", when in fact they are our friends for health and agriculture.