Re: Domain name
A little off topic here, as I read all that went on last night on this forum as I slept.
Actually, I have posted on Curezone from several different computers, and have had at different times friends around who wanted to post some question or reply from the same PC that I was using. The posts went through with both my Alikat and the other persons name. Although some months back there was a field in which you could put in any name you jolly well liked and post, while now the system doesn't allow you to do this anymore.
In any case, if Ev and hubby did post under the same name, two questions come to mind. 1) Being a married couple who seems to get along nicely, would it be so far fetched that they would reflect the same views on lots of topics, and 2) This IS a christian forum, as christians when married consider themselves to be one flesh. So why would it be such a big deal to anyone else which one posted under whose name? Seems silly to me, unless someone just wants to make mountains out of molehills, and purposely cause trouble.
One more thing: God -does- love the sinner, and He -does- hate the sin: _|_ = the answer