To: ithinktoomuchthereforeiamalone---pheeww!:-D
Hi there pal!
We must really stop meeting this way! tsk.
Anyway, my little sweetie-pie has been at a southern baptist school since kindergarten, she begins second grade in late August. I have been very happy with all that she has learned and don't think I would ever change. Catholic schools are fine academic institutions, but for a younger child you have to consider that Catholic teachings and "protestant" teachings vary sharply in a number of crucial points. While you know that in college you have the ability to choose or reject a teaching entirely, in a younger and more impressionable person it is more likely to shape their belief system. So as a parent you have to look out for what your child receives along those lines, does it fit comfortably with your own set of values and beliefs?
Although my daughter is in the baptist school and as I said I love it, in terms of a church I find their services a little too staid for my temperament. I prefer services with a more interactive approach and freer worship. I realize of course, that hardly anything is more personal than the choice of a church, but what I can attest to, is the fullness that I have in my relationship now as compared to my former marriage. I wouldn't know now how to do without the spiritual dimension anymore, it would seem so empty and bottomless. I also think that somehow for my daughter it is a far better picture to see us praying together, than some other example I could be giving her. This of course in spite of the fact that I'm fully aware that the best setting for a child is a home with both his/her natural parents in good relationship to each other. This being said, I'm glad the alternative I have is a pretty good one.
From your description it sounds like your ex-wife was in the church but the church was not in her. That's really too bad, but it's behind you now isn't it? It's no wonder we were told that we would know by the fruits, but sometimes we miss this entirely. I know I did.
I truly hope you find some real answers along these lines. Sounds to me like someone in your upbringing somewhere did a pretty good job, and if they didn't, then you are truly a more remarkeable guy than I thought!
Your friend, Alikat