Have been reading this site with MUCH interest for a few weeks - ever since a friend of mine recommended P&B shakes to clear my acne. But now I have a question of my own. Yesterday I discovered a small area of slightly raised bumps in a round-like shape right in the middle of the bottom of both my feet. What is this? Could it be worms? I am kind of afraid to start a parasite cleanse, actually stopped with the P&B Bowel Cleanse after 3 weeks, as I became afraid that I was killing off also the Good bacteria, and not only the bad. I also don't want to jump to conclusions and start in a vicious circle of paranoia! Further to my Acne and my new "formations" on my feet, I don't have any other major health problems. Could someone please put my mind at rest or answer me?
Thanks a lot for all the good advice so far, it has been fascinating!