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Re: Help Bob!!! My Sinus is worse!
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Re: Help Bob!!! My Sinus is worse!

Hey joe,

Regarding the nasal irrigations that _Bob has mentioned I think it's a good idea. I recently had nasal surgery that didn't help my sinus problem much, but the doctor recommended a nasal irrigation solution that I found works better than salt.

It's called Alkolol, and can be found at some pharmacies (not all). I get mine through the pharmacy at my HMO Kaiser. It cost $2.80 a bottle. It smarts the first few times so if you try it, dilute it with some warm distilled water. Ideally, you want to eventually do it full strength. It is a mucous mover. Sniffing as Bob suggested is okay, I did the salt water that way for years, but a better way is to get yourself a "Hydro Floss" machine with a tip for irrigating the nasal pasages. You can buy the tips if you need to. I made mine from an extra flossing tip and a piece of rubber that I fashioned to fit the tip.

The "Hydro Floss" machine is suppose to be better than the "Water Pik" for this because it has 3 speeds so that you can set it on a gentle speed for irritated mucous membranes although I run mine on high now. When I first started, I used it 2 or 3 times a day as needed but after my sinuses got better, I might do the Alkolol once a day and the salt water once a day. If you do salt, get the variety that doesn't have Iodine and use distilled water.

As for the cleanses, none of them will do you any good if you still have mercury Amalgams in your mouth, or Root Canals. My sinuses that used to get infected every 2 or 3 months healed when I had the metal removed from my mouth as did some other problems that I had. I had the last metal removed last June, and haven't had any sinus problems since.

Hope you find the answer. Maybe some of the above will help.


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