1st flush results
WOW!! Was that an experience...seeing is believing!!!
1st dose of
Epsom Salts last night produced gurgling from my liver/gallbladder area..What is up w/ that?
2nd dose, gurgling again as well as 2hours of diarrhea
OO and grapefruit was not that bad going down, after taste was nothing to be desired but I survived. I went and laid down immediately after taking my cocktail(not the kind I prefer) and could feel twinges of pressure coming from my gallbladder area. Nothing even close to painful but it was a "sure thing" that matter was moving in my body.
At about 1:30 I woke up w/ unkindly nausea (did take orithine) it was gross all I could taste was
OO (Olive-Oil) and grapefruit NASTY!!! Around 2pm had a b.m. couple of floaties, nothing worth saving.
My nausea stayed for the night it was pretty sleepless, but absolutely no pain YEAAA. I got out of bed about 6:30 nausea was still lingering so I held off on the salt until I felt like I could keep them down.
Around 10am had urge to poo and was pleasantly surprised over what I saw...dark green and tan stones probably 40-50 various sizes, biggest was a rough looking, dark green stone about the size of a grape. There was also a ton of blk, green, tan and a little red bits...not sure what it is, or what to call it....maybe stones that were dissolved along the way. Anyone have any ideas?
I have passed probably about 100 stones total, as well as that mysterious bits and pieces "stuff". This is Unbelievable!! I want to call everyone and tell them about the stuff coming out of my behind :)) lol
I am wondering if the next flush I should cut back on the epsoms because it produced diarrhea so early?
Any suggestions for the nausea?
Thank you to Dr.Clark and curezone for putting forth all the information,knowledge and resources to help us help ourselves.
Thank you to all you for the support encouragement...Especially Tracey.. you have been a God-send to me!
And of course my praises go the good Lord who directed me to this site so that I may improve my body and mind, in a natural fashion, to glorify Him and to assist other in there journey toward better health!!