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Re: Results after 2 Stonehedge
What I am referring to as floaters are like water stains on your eye that you see when say, looking at the blue sky.There is another name for them but I can't remember what it is.(someone else will)
Changes since cleansing are numerous for me. Gallblader attacks have almost stopped( knock wood) My eyes have changed color, I see better( no glasses yet), my aches and pains in my knees and ankles are 10% of what it was and my nice brown liver spots have disappeared totally.My stool has changed from orange to brown,my ears ring less,I get sick less and my tongue doesn't have my teeth imprints down the side of it or the nice white coating anymore. The crazy thing is my toe. In "the amazing liver cleanse" he says a sign of a congested liver is your big toe being curved, well when I read that book mine was. Now it isn't anymore!
One thing more, I met an old acquintance last month whom I hadn't see in seven or eight years. He told me I looked ten years younger than the last time he seen me.( no, he wasn't trying to sell me anything)
I have cleaned out a lot of junk, but I still have one big bugger in there that I can feel.I am on a mission here and will never quit, I will get it out.
I am satisfied with my results so far.
Oh yeah, brain fog is less, but not totally gone otherwise I wouldn't have forgotten to put this above.