I have been taken Argentine and orethine. I dont have the bottle next to me for spelling,sorry, anyways I have been taken this medicine to see if i get any results to see if I have parasites or not. i havent been to the dr yet to determine if I do or not. But my question is, I have beening going to the bathroom all day non-stop. I cant stop having diaherra. I feel like I have the stomach flu or something. I did a flush 3 days ago so I was thinking I still have olive oil flushing me out. But my stool has a white kind of flemmish to it everytime. This is gross but I felt it and it feels like a flemy stubstance. I was wondering could it be parasites or not? Very weird question, I know. But if you have done a parasites flush please let me know of the results so maybe I can get a clue whats going on with my body.