it is my understandign that it is best to getone or do it your lsef with a colemic board within teh 3 days before and after a lf..
if unalbe to get to one or have a board then tehere are alterantives.
enemas are not clon cleansign btw...
but an Epsom Salt flush is/ a codliver oil flush is and fo r those that are Epsom Salt sensitive...
there is the mageneisum/ citrate or magnesium choride alterantive.
i am planign a Liver Flush on march 15th and we ahv eno colemics where i live and righ tnow i can't affor d a board.. also las t lf i did with hteh epsoms, i bled too...... it was veyr drastic fo rmy system but i am probaly theexcept ion cua sei ahd severe body damag edown int he past.. so this oen i am buidlign up to after a 21 day kidney flush... an dother detox stuff.. iwill be usign teh magnesium version and also the codlive roil befo reand after .. to amke sure all released stones do n't get blocked and /or reabsorbed.