Your nutrition course is faulty Simone, sorry to tell you. America's view of nutrition is not always the right coconut oil a bit further before you toss it out as bad. It is in fact far superior to all of the oils that you mentioned. Read Bruce Fife's book, Eat Fat Look Thin, and The Miracle of Coconut Oil. Go to and and read read read. America touted coconut oil as bad for you long ago when they wanted soybean oil to sell, but in fact the study was extremely flawed. They studied hydrogenated coconut oil, which any hydrogenated oil is bad for you and has trans fats. Read Jordan Rubin's book Patient Heal Thyself, see what he has to say about the benefits of coconut oil. Join the yahoo club, ask questions there and Bruce Fife may personally explain for you, if not other knowledgeable people will. Read all the wonderful things people have to say about coconut oil on that group. Don't take my word for it that coconut oil is wonderful and amazing...delve into if yourself. ;0) Who knows, you may come out of it being an extreme advocator of it like myself when it is all said and done...:) Best of luck Simone in finding the truth...Caitlin Lorraine