18 y
Why the Maker's Diet?
Hello! I'm a college student and stumbled upon the Maker's Diet this past semester. I actually decided to do a project on this diet for my religion class because the link between the body and religion fascinated me. I also went on the diet myself, and I lasted almost through all of Phase 1-- but it was difficult to stick to the diet strictly because I live in a dorm and only have access to cafeteria food.
If willing, can anyone share their reasons for going on this diet? For example, did this diet attract you because its method leads to a healthy way of living, or was living the way God intended (the 'religious' aspect) more attractive? Do you have any opinions about how the role food plays in our lives and spirituality? What about health and spirituality? For those of both religious faith: Do you believe God ordained this book to teach us how to eat and live? For those without: How relevant do you feel this book is to you, since it incorporates God in the diet?
If anyone would like to answer these questions, that'd be soo great-- moreso for my own benefit than this project. Anything about your personal experience (that you're willing to share) would be a tremendous help. Thanks!