Re: colour of gallstones
my guess is that most of the stuff comes from the liver, not the gb, so, i don't know if that matters to you. frankly, its more important in my opinion to clean the liver.
re examination, i'm not sure anything you do can settle it one way or the other. just as you are skeptical when other people say their lab said so and so, whichever way your opinion comes out, some will believe you, some won't.
before i started flushing, i was very skeptical. but rather than wait for someone to prove it to me, i just decided to try it, and was amazed. so i think its fine for you to test away.... perhaps you can contribute some understanding as to how liverflushing works, but whether it works for clearing up chronic health problems is something i already answered for myself. and based on the countless testimonials here, i would say quite a few other people have already arrived at the same conclusion.
good luck,
john g