Islam Religion, Politics or a Conspiracy Theory?
When posting a message, try to follow the next guidelines:
If a message is related to Religion and at the same time it is related to politics in any way, post such a message into
Politics Forum .
If a message is related to Religion and at the same time it is related to politics and at the same time it is a
Conspiracy theory, post such a message into
Conspiracy forum.
If a message is related to politics and at the same time it is a
Conspiracy theory, post such a message into conspiracy forum.
If a message is related to Religion and at the same time it is a conspiracy theory, post such a message into conspiracy forum.
So, this is a forum precedence:
Conspiracy .... Politics .... Religion .... Special debates [Homosexuality, Circumcision, Abortion, Evolution ]
Whenever a message pertains to more then one forum, choose the first form from the left side.
Most messages that were deleted from this forum would fall into Conspiracy forum.
If a message is about religious view on Homosexuality (an excerpt from a holy book ), post it into Religion forum.
If a message is about religious view on Abortion (an excerpt from a holy book ), post it into Religion forum.
Keep Homosexuality, Abortion and Evolution forum for more scientific, more modern, more evidence based discussions. There is no need to cite 1000 year old books inside those forums, when there are special forums designated to each major religion.