19 y
Re: drowning in ghastly food issues...need a friend.
I havent read everything in this thread but there are a couple of thoughts while I was reading it that crossed my mind:
Firstly, you post your message in the eating disorder forum, yet from how you wrote in your first post your problems are health related and really dont sound like an eating disorder. Si I though this girl just has health issues but no eating disorder BUT after you tell us how bad your health is and how you dont know how to go on living like this you talk about how you want your weight under control. This is confusing to me. How about you concentrate on your health wholeheartedly and then worry about your weight later (though I think once your food things are balanced so will be your weight). What is the priority here?
Secondly, there is nothing admirable about being able to starve yourself. This is your body and it lets you know what it needs. It deserves to be loved because it is a great organism and it doesnt derserve to be hated and starved and deprived of what it needs to live and to get YOU through the day and through your life. I understand people with eating disorders have a problem with loving themselves and my compassion goes out to them but it is not admirable- sorry.
The reason your body goes all or nothing all the time is because you treat it like that. If you learn to listen instead of controlling it then you will feel what it needs and if its chocolate one day (apart if you have intolerance problems of course) you dont need to punish it the next. have SOME of it and ´go on as normal- you will see that soon your body wont crave these enormous amounts anymore but just a little bit of everything because it knows you will attend to its needs.
Anyway...these are just my thoughts. Dont beat yourself up all the time for trying to feed your body....and I do hope you get your health in balance. Good luck!