Yes you can warm food in warm water under 100 degrees. They say anything under 111- 115 is ok, but i have not gone that high.
my food is not cold. I drink herbal teas.
You can use a dehydrator to make raw crackers, breads, cookies, pizza crusts... etc... it will be warm.
I soak lentils or garbanzos in water for 24 hours. Then I blend them in a blender with olive oil, tahini, spices, parsley, a lil onions, salt and pepper. It is room temp. If I don't make too much, each day I can make a normal portion and eat it fresh that day.
I understand what you are saying. At the beginning a lot of things turned me away from this diet, but once I read a lot of books about it I learned theat there are substitutes for everything.