Re: Does anyone have a (personally) favorite source?
this is really strange, I have this little red "dot", like a pimple, but with an open center (this is pretty small) on my left arm, right next to the elbow....I know this is a parasite, I've researched this a lot. I've had this before, about 2 yrs. ago, and now it started up again. The itch is maddening! (and as usual, it's worse at nigt, I can't even sleep), I looked up scabies on the net and sure enough, that's it! Now, the thing is WHAT CAN I DO?????????!!!!!!!!! I think they have to breathe, right? So if I put something like vaseline all over my arm, they can't breath. Last night I was so crazy with this itching on the arm, I took two Benedryl, poured Gin on my arm, and then spread this hydrocortosone all over my arm , broke open a few garlic gel capsules and spread that on this little pimple and down my arm. Oh, and I also, sprinkled pure cayenne on my arm, and put a good dose of it directly onto that little pimple thingy! LOL! I meant business at that point! But, I obviously can't go on like this! WHAT KIND OF HERB can I take for this? WHAT CAN I DO! HELP!!!!!