Re: Alternatives Please Help!!
> I cant be 100% that it is the composites, but i had provocation testing and vega testing done and they were both off the scale for phenols (plastics) i am even starting to react to elastic in my underwear!!
Ok I have to admit I don't know much about this
> I also suffered DRASTIC hairloss when all this began, MORE THAN half the volume, it has started to regrow through the sprigs, i am sure this is a sign of kidney stress.
It could be quite a few things responsible for hairloss - for example thyroid stress.
> As for the sulphur sensitivity, i react to the tiniest amounts of Glutathione, Cysteine, Biotin, ALA, Epsom Sals, garlic, onions etc etc,
Do you know that this is a classic symptom of mercury toxicity.
What do you plan on doing next?