Even when a human eats organic foods, eats grass-fed hormone-free meats, avoids Sugar and refined flour, uses natural cleansers, walks outdoors barefoot once in a while, avoids electro-magnetic fields, wears natural fabrics, detoxes regularly, drinks spring and/or distilled water, etc etc, he/she STILL would need some supplementation because our food supply (even organic) has lost alot of its concentration of minerals and vitamins over the past 100 years. You would have to eat over 10 times of the amount of food today that you would have eaten 100 years ago to get the same amount of nutrition. The changes in agricultural processes mid-1800s toward mass food production have gradually depleted the nutritional quality of the food. The land is continually in use year after year without any rest to replenish the soil. Pesticides kill off any beneficial bacteria needed for creating nutruients. Perhaps food can regain its former higher nutritional quality if sections of land can rest every few years on a rotating basis and use natural fertilizers, etc. Wild animals eat plants, fruits, berries, other animals that are not affected by today's mass food production processes.