Whats all the stink about ? These where not manifesto's, we are talkin about a few low ball posts that where hid to enable getting rid of miles of swing 71 jibberish cut and paste redundancies! Its a cyberspace posting forum not your final exam!If swing is the best we can do in a debate forum and to say we need his instigation to defend our postition, is like saying we need to be baited to have a debate , which in reality are not debates at all but low ball baiting of each other! Lets get over this event and chalk it all up to learning and experiencing these things! I am also positive moderator moogi did what she did with good intentions and was simply doing her job! If you have a real complaint you can personally e mail the webmaster, if you are that concerned , but I really think this can just end if we want it to! Another point to ponder is the alert button, if pressed often enough mods will come in and clean house, so whose to say how many times that button was pressed! Maybe you guys should apply for a moderation, volunteer may I remind you, position!