Re: Cure for Schitzophrenia?
Kudos to you for taking control of your life!
You might want to check out Andrew Saul, Ph.D. has a huge website on alternative medicine, especially orthomolecular. He believes that schizophrenia may be a vitamin B3 (niacin) deficiency. The body/brain of the schizophrenic may not absorb as much from the diet or may just need more of it. He gives many case histories of folks whose lives were turned around from increases in this vitamin, under the care of a good practitioner - either naturopath or MD who practices orthomolecular medicine.
Also, there is a book you might be interested in called Food and Behavior by Barbara Reed Stitt. She gives case histories of folks who were exposing themselves in public. They all worked at a nearby aluminum or metal processing plant, or whatever. They were all toxic. When they got heavy metal chelation and changed their diet, the strange behaviors disappeared. Many other inspiring stories in this book having to do with body chemistry, diet, etc.
I recently read something about diabetes, alcoholism and schizophrenia occurring with greater frequency in particular families. I know there is too much of it in mine. It is not genetic. It is how we have been taught to eat or not eat.
Keep us posted.