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Re: Shelley...i cheated...big time..
shelleycat Views: 1,192
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 310,314

Re: Shelley...i cheated...big time..

awww sweetie! don't kick yourself, it doesn't do ANY good. No guilt-fests allowed around here! Nope, none. :)

Just do what you can to get back on your diet. What works best for me is to throw out all contraband and just fast mostly. For candida, that would mean just veggies and meats mostly, with the occasional hot cereal, whatever you can tolerate and easily digest.

Take probiotics, not Threelac, let your acidophilus do the work to keep candida in check. Maybe get a couple colonics if you can? That would really help you a lot to get back on track! :)

and next time your sweet tooth bugs you, use Stevia or a tea with licorice or a bit of peppermint in something like those Curiously Strong Mint things - they don't have a ton of sugar. :)

Do what you can to cleanse. Fiber shakes may not be great for you, that's okay, there are other options. Oxygen-based cleansers and enemas, that would be a good way to go. :)

And take a nice long bubble bath with a ton of Epsom Salts . You need some soothing. :)

Good luck and hang in there!

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