just curious.../To Amanda
Hi Amanda : ))
Just as an addendum to our discussion of Gilbert's Syndrome, I thought I would mention how I "believe" I acquired it. Let me know what ya think...
Oddly, when I was 11 years old I developed an ulcer (as I was always older than my years, this is not surprising to me...and bespeaks much about my development of systemic candida). I was given medication that was typically described for an adult. Thusly, I was severely over-medicated. At the time, I knew the medication was too much but "I was just a kid" and therefore "what did I know". Consequently, I believe my liver was too underdeveloped to filter the toxins and so I developed this syndrome.
I am just curious:
Was there a time in your life that you lived in an environment with many toxins/chemicals or did you take many phramas/drugs or a time/place/occurrence you can attribute to the development of this syndrome...
By the way, I agree with genetics playing a part in the development of this syndrom as well (predispostion and all that : ))
Take Care,