I just went on L-Glutamine as recommended by my doctor. This was something that was I had not done in the past. So far, it seems pretty neutral and am tolerating it well. I am doing the cleanse program - which will include the liver, gallbladder, kidney as well. My homeopathic doctor put me on the L-Glutamine and a few other things. He is also doing laser treatments and feels confident this will eliminate most allergies and will "desensitize" the rest. We shall see...
I used to eat red meat, but lately my digestive system cannot handle it and it gives me severe pain and bloating. I can still tolerate "ground" beef and do eat it occassionally - but I buy only Coleman.
I gave up coffee twice already...I just happen to love the smell and taste and keep going back. I tried decaf but it just didn't do it for me! I will prevail, though!!