Karlin has made one error. Karlin thinks the other HALF, and I mean literally and exactly the other half is just like Karlin. It would be nice if everbody wanted peace and love. But the other half,called republicans in the US want only two things,Slavery and Total War. And if they get hungry enough they will put you in a pot, cook you and eat you. Dont hate them, its just their nature. If everybody was altruistic, when the famine came we would all have shared our food and we all would have starved to death. Their selfishness has insured the survival of the species. And dont try to change them Karlin. You cant change them by reasoning because they are a different SPECIES! Both the Selfish and Altruistic Species are born into this world as such, already formed. It is like night and day. It is the theatre of reality. It hasnt changed since the appearance of modern man some 150,000 years ago. Karlin if you have the will you can find the LOVE-GOD and be translated out of this limited dimension of suffering.