Dr. Schulze ' cayenne tincture is very potent! One of the ingredients is African Bird Pepper with a heat rating of 500,000 heat units! I use it if my arm goes to "sleep" at night or if I have any pains in the heart area. Works every time. Helps with insomnia also.
Dr. Schulze revived an overweight patient who had died after he had pulled into the clinic parking lot. The patient was late for his appointment so Dr. Schulze sent the receptionist out to check. She came running back to say there was a dead man out there. Dr. Schulze ran out with cayenne tincture. The man was grey, no pulse, no respiration. About twelve droppers full were squirted into the man's mouth and he revived! Potent!
I use only ten drops in a glass of warm water.
There is a link to Dr. Schulze in the blue header at the top of the page.