Re: Curezone trolls
AI is what Musk believes will force the day when missiles must be launched into the under ground computer systems to destroy 100% of entire facilities in order to kill the AI robots.....a day when the electronics more GPS, the slaves will all be loss and starved in just a few days....
BUT, true robots with built in AI power sources.....they would have to be killed 1 by 1 just like soldiers on a battlefield...
1 example: China and Japan Tv can not stop showing the entire world their "power" over all the slaves....they brag and show they are 100 years advanced to most countries such as the USA. China is in every country, building and controlling cities---in Egypt chin shows a VACCINE FACTORY that has no humans working------this factory is full of robotics that GROW the deadliest vaccines on the planet, then collect and freeze -100+ degrees and the robots have BILLIONS prepackaged and waiting....... NO HUMAN could live in such a faciltiy and china shows they control the factory from china....same as china shows they have 80,000 robot surgeons in 40 countries doing all the operations..........and a chinese dr in china controls the robot surgery....
The day the true military blows up WiFi capabilities is the day the world stands still.
a few weeks ago I had the cameras going crazy at 2 am--- a large white van was in the driveway, when we investigated and caught hi before he left the front gates------he appeared to be from INDIA or some similar country, could barely speak any english, but he claimed he was looking for 1 of the largest companies in the state---a japan owned mega company.....his paper work showed a out of country delivery to one of the facilities smaller warehouses that was located over 70 miles away........
1 of 2 things were going on----he was telling the truth and was 100% lost, or he had a van load of thieves and was seeking to rob people back long lanes---the latter is what is going on currently in the USA---such thieves go back long lanes and when caught, they prove that they are LOST......, but if your not home, they jump out, bust your doors off and rob your house and then head back to the major cities.......sadly cops "KNOW" these thieves, but are ordered to never go arrest them---you either protect your own property at all times---or rick being robbed and the thieves protecting by the cops.
We took his word that he was LOST---unable to read road signs, unable to function with out GPS and this old guy was literally LOST and had been LOST for many hours.......when he left out driveway, he turned right--froze, then backed into the ditch and then went left and he had no clue where he was.....a foreigner lost in a foreign country....that is what the USA has been turned into and 100% depend on GPS to go anywhere.
WISE people still keep current maps and hope they never ever have to use them---because GPS is how everyone survives today on the highways.....
ALL modern cars have 2 GPS trackers.....retired military have those things RIPPED out of their cars and they only use cheap cell phones that you can still take out the battery..
"IF" you can not take the battery out of your cell phone---that cell phones tells the world exactly where that phone is at all times------FOREVER....they literally can go back the life of that phone and know where it was at all times and that phone talks to your car PPS and between the 2 sources-----as obama said on national tv....they could shoot a bullet from anywhere and ht that phone......
TODAY as the military has openly stated-----"IT" makes all the electronics, "IT" controls all the electronics and "IT" is in control of "ALL" and anyone that does not believe this----is a FOOL.
AI BOTS ???? If so, they have built in STUPID, so they seem human like.......otherwise trolls are just losers in some manner and either paid by colleges or living out their fantasies.