Re: Long term liver pain / issues.
The dose of 250 mg per day is a support or maintenance dose. The dose required for treatment of biliary condition and also ileitis is much higher initially and is taken in a certain manner.
The dose rate is commonly 8 to 10 mg per Kg body weight per day. It can be as high as 15mg/Kg/day in some circumstances.
There are three schools of thought on how to take it:
1. With each meal
2. The whole dose just before bed
3. Half the dose with the main meal and the half just before bed.
The UDCA is taken with a cup of water.
The course is from 30 days to 3 months depending upon the medical condition. If acute pain accompanies the medical condition UDCA is taken with a Cox-2 inhibitor (100mg for 7 days)
After completion of the treatment it is common to take a maintenance dose of 250mg per day for as long as it takes.