Re: 8th day of pure water fast and feeling extremely weak.Bile
So synchronistic, I was going on the forum to discuss bile and saw your message. No question the bile is a function of the fast. i always have alot of bile during my fast, perhaps because I had my gall bladder removed. (My theory). It will also make you impatient and angry and unsettled. You can instantaneously relieve the bile symptoms by having a colonic. I always have a couple of
colonic after the fast to get rid of the bile and the parasite. throwing up the bile is unfortunate. Such an acidic mess coating your esophagus and throat. UGH! I have a low grade pain in my abdomen, no doubt from the bile. Just feeling to weak to go for a
colonic at this time. Big mistake to go walking. Correct natural hygiene says absolutely no exercise. i would not do it again especially if it promotes an incident of throwing up. I am taking this fast to completion, clear tongue, sweet breath etc. I am on day 11, hoping it will not be 28 days. good news is no more
Body Odor . Complete rest!!!! that includes very limited time on the computer.Hope that helps.