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Re: What really happened (as I see it)...
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Re: What really happened (as I see it)...

I have apoligised to Trapper and have moved on but I'm not Refreshed, I'm not ready to put on dancing shoes just yet, as the trust isn't there yet. Even if there was trust so much has been done and said. I guess time is a healer and God expects forgiveness and repentance. Anyway once I've done my biblical postings for Xmas that's me done. I can pop in from time to time but it's getting more difficult. I'm glad to see people are getting on better though, taken a long time. I think in time everyone will accept things as they are. This has been a long battle on here and I've seen a change recently. A positive change, especially from Trapper but he doesn't have my respect, neither does he want it, we all have to each earn respect and that can take time. The biggest hurdle on the forum is Tomi, he hates being ignored and he gets angry quickly and uses bad language. The way I see it is that Refreshed and Rainy want to bring Tomi to the Lord, he needs to be saved so to speak. Tomi doesn't see things that way. Tomi mostly gets away with being rude although from time to time he gets told off but we mustn't give out what Tomi preaches as that's different, we are expected to be on a level that pleases God. I prefer to ignore rudeness now, it's just so boring to me now. However if it stopped then that is different. I don't feel this way because I'm not ready to move on, I feel this way because I'm so tired from it all. I don't hate anybody, I'm still very weary and it does feel like treading on egg shells in here. It's true I always liked Rainys postings but they are mostly becoming a distant memory to me. I have not been on this forum long enough to know the history, I just know I came into this forum at a very good time, it was exciting, God knows I was blown away from the postings, I couldn't always understand them but to me for the first time in my life I had come across true Christians, it was like a magnet to me, I had won the jackpot. So you can imagine how I felt when the walls started crumbling down. I would say that the forum I new and once cherished is now the distant past, it doesn't have to stay that way.

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