Need help identifying nose, eye, and mouth parasites
I contracted
parasites while on a month long trip to India 4 years ago. Since then I have had tape worms, round worms, liver flukes, and I think some sort of amoeba come out of me with bowel movements. (It is still a problem, but I am looking to focus on the stuff coming out of my eyes, nose, and mouth right now). Currently I have small
parasites coming out of my eyes, nose, and mouth, especially at night time. I have taken albendazole for over 6 months straight,
Wormwood , walnut hull, and cloves supplements for the last 2 years, and papaya seeds twice a day for the last 3 months. Nothing seems to be able to fully get rid of the nastiness inside of me. Can anyone please help me identify what these are? Does anyone know how to get rid of them? Thanks so much!