I started refeeding after a 35 day water fast. On day 1, I started slowly, eating small pieces of Watermelon (about 4 cubes) every two hours from about 9 AM to 8 PM. I felt great. I woke up the next morning feeling not as great but still fine. On this day 2, I started to up the amount of Watermelon too aggressively (eating Watermelon every hour, going from 4 cubes per session to 8 cubes per session). I felt pretty bad and anxious, I think it definitely has to do with blood sugar. I felt super jittery and like...spazzy. I have no history of diabetes. The next day, I decided to play it super conservatively, but even eating 4 small pieces of watermelon made me feel bad. Not as bad as the day before, but still bad. It's that same jittery feeling. Do you think this is a serious issue? What should I do?