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Re: This is tough
You should consider juice fasting cause with all the additions and changes you really are not doing the
Master-Cleanse and you should not expect the same results. The
Master-Cleanse works by giving the digestive system a rest and with all these additions you will keep stimulating different digestive enzymes and juices which defeats the main working mode of the MC.
Maple syrup is not used as a "sweetener in the MC. It is used because it provides you with lots of minerals and easily assimilated sugars that will give you energy to cope with your daily activities so adding the xylitol will not give you any of the benefits and you're just adding some other agent that the body needs to break down and digest again defeating the main ourpose of the
Master-Cleanse that works by giving the digestive system a rest and in addition you are short changing yourself of the mineral content of the Maple syrup.
While the lemon and cayenne helps to cleanse the system there really is no particular magic to the combination. "All" forms of fasting or mono diets which is what the MC is tecnically work by unburdening the system from having to work hard at digesting all kindsa different food stuffs not to mention
additives chemicals etc etc. So the sytem will devote the extra energy to cleanse and heal. None of the cleanses on this site heal anything they just unburden our system so it can heal itself.
If you have candida the wisdom is to address that before doing the MC. Espen H was not doing the MC and I can't for the life of me think of why they still have that on this site and associate it with the MC. When you start adding all these different components you are no longer doing a mono diet and should not expect the effective cleansing action that the MC provides. You also don't do yourself any favors with the broths or whatever cause since you keep stimulating the digestive system you will remain hungry thoughout the fast.