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Should you chelate if you have a disseminated parasite infection?
ZamiLion Views: 1,846
Published: 7 y

Should you chelate if you have a disseminated parasite infection?

Hello all,
I've been fighting a disseminated parasite infection for about 10 months now. First I tried herbals like Black-Walnut hull, Wormwood , different tinctures but to no avail. After expelling one roundworm during that initial attack, I have seen no evidence of the other worms. I'm almost 90% certain I have liver flukes, strongyloides, and pinworms. Possibly more.

I have tried the following drug combos:
Albendazole + Ivermectin
Albendazole + PZQ
Albendazole + Fenbendazole
Albendazole + Fenbendazole + Oxbendizole

I haven't been able to generate a systemic kill even after all these drug combos. I actually think they are becoming resistant.

Now, the only issue is that while I was battling this infection I accidentally had an overdose on ALA which pushed mercury into my CNS. And now I'm having some serious neurological symptoms like tremors and mild epileptic shocks. I have known for some time I was Hg toxic but was trying to cleanse for parasites first before approaching chelation.

I need to know: is it safe for me to chelate using Andrew Cutler's protocol? Because I have read a few accounts on this site from people saying that chelation made their parasite infection WORSE and even escalated it to a full hyperinfection.

Please help!

I am really scared.....

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