Parazapper is right on. Toss that "No Flush Niacin" out, it is worthless.
I specified the Flushing Niacin for good reason (re-read my messages). Flushing opens up all the capillaries and blood vessels to promote circulation. You can actually see it work as your skin turns pinkish and feels hot & itchy for about 1/2 hour. It also reduces cholesterol and many other benefits.
Google "Benefits of flushing Niacin" for much more.
"A niacin flush benefits heart disease patients by opening blood vessels to improve circulation to parts of the body that are otherwise starved for oxygen and nutrition. It also helps to lower blood fats called very low-density lipoproteins."
And like I said, heart disease begins in ALL of us at around age 30 caused by plunging Nitric Oxide Levels.