Of course I agree. Didn't Jesus formulate his parables according to scripture? I was just trying to put it into terms that may explain how I'm understanding how all of scripture comes together.
Man/science will always try to figure out how God created everything. Isn't that what they are trying to do with the Large Hadron Collider in Cern? So they can become gods too?
If you do not believe that there is an essence of God's image within us, even when the physical flesh dies, then that is where you are in your beliefs. I am no wordsmith and am probably failing miserably trying to explain my thoughts on this.
God created the sun with the mere sound of His voice. Scientists do not equate God with where the whole universe got started. They are looking for something else to explain. All energy for creating started with God...He is the source.
My belief is we were created to have our own uniqueness, in the spiritual image of God. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit should not be confused with this, for we are not the Holy Spirit anymore than the sun is God. All men are made in the spiritual image of God, but not all men will receive the Holy Spirit due to their lack of faith in Jesus Christ.
This subject came up before because we were debating whether the white throne judgement was going to be in heaven or on earth. Because how could the resurrected who didn't accept Jesus stand in heaven to be judged if they don't have some sort of spirit body?
So the way I look at it...the spiritual essence of their uniqueness is what is able to stand before the throne of God in heaven, and the very same spirit body that will endure separation from God for eternity.
Or... we can look at the other way of thinking, that when the unbelievers are resurrected in the flesh, they will then be thrown into the flames and be burned just once to die. Edit: correction: this would be the second death, but I mean that they die with out eternal torment) Which is what you are saying will happen. If that way is true then that means they would have to be judged on earth during the 1000 yr reign, because flesh can not enter into heaven.
I just thought this was a very important point to get through before we can even look at whether there is eternal torment or not.