Re: Edit: Heresy
I said in my last post that it would be wonderful if God decided it was good to redeem America. And it is good to work hard to change whatever we can change. But on all accounts, it does not appear to me that God is going to redeem America, and there is nothing in the Bible that tells me He will do that. America worships all kinds of other gods besides God! They also worship the health and wealth prosperity gospel. And look at what happens to those who are working hard to get people to see the horrificness of the health wealth prosperity gospel. They are shunned, and frankly, the reality is, the false health and wealth prosperity gospel is growing more than ever despite the great efforts!
When you have Joel Osteen teaching the false health and wealth gospel and having the largest church in America, that shows me the reality of what so many worship, the god of COMFORT and not the real God. Do you think God is going to bless the nation with more of that for it's good? He may allow it to go on a lot longer, and many we'll think that means he's sending his blessings. But it's not a blessing to worship a false god.
The potential next president chose a woman that teaches the same false health and wealth prosperity gospel as Joel Osteen. The woman has had countless plastic surgeries, stands on stage in front of her audiences wearing as tight of clothing as she can find while telling them if they sow a seed of a certain amount of dollars that she has come up with in her botox filled head, they will have all their problems erased. And then she starts talking other insanity as you will see in the video below. Since you were disappointed that I didn't link a video to her instead of some whiny men (in your opinion), then I found one for you. Enjoy! I'm sure you and Rainy both will think it's a mighty message of God. But I sure don't! And to think this woman is the spiritual advisor of the next possible president, I shudder along with all the other things I know about Trump.
And yes, I totally shudder to think of Hillary becoming president too. She hates this country with a passion and will do everything in her power to destroy it. I could say with reasonable confidence that Trump does not hate this country, but that doesn't mean he will still not destroy it.
So call it doom and gloom if you want. I call it reality. It's fine to hope for better, but when you see it all crashing around you, you better face reality long enough to make sure your hope is in the right place, and that's what I'm trying to do.
I posted an article a while back about a woman who had traveled all over the United States to study the health wealth prosperity gospel for a book she was writing, and she talked about countless cases she saw where people would absolutely not face reality because they had been taught it was failure and doom and gloom, and giving into the devil, to do so. She said it was so sad because they did not die with dignity, proclaiming that their hope was in Christ alone and leaving this world in peace, but instead they were yelling out in craziness that God was going to heal them, they would not accept anything else, and so she said she saw just chaos and their loved ones left in horror when they died and unable to make sense of anything because they wouldn't face reality!
So yeah, as usual, we just see things very differently. I am a reality person. I hope for the best, I work hard in ways God has moved me to work hard, but I also prepare for the worst (especially when I see the worst could surely come) and I find my rest and peace in God's sovereignty. If that is bad, then may God correct me, but that's where I'm at. And again, despite what you think, that doesn't mean I don't believe in taking actions of any kind. Even if a doctor told me I had just a few months to live, I'd still probably eat healthy foods, etc. and do other treatments. And I'd still pray for a miracle. But I'd also embrace the idea that it might be the end of my days soon and get my affairs in order and tell everyone I love them!
But maybe I should just birth something, even if it gets messy, as Paula White is ranting about:
I have set the place for you (Thanks Rainy) but of course you are free to listen to the whole message if it so blesses you: