Re: Molybdenum it good or bad for candida?
Excellent info 55124. You obviously care for people.
I started 150 mcg molybdenum a month or so ago to see if it would do anything with severe candida/aceteldehyde brain fog that I have had for so many yrs. The quick result was almost comical.
I have had redness around my nose that would not go away no matter what I tried over the last 10 yrs or so. Also the worst itchy rashes that you could imagine on my chest and stomach. The only thing that would alleviate the itchiness was acv. I got this itchy redness that seemed to follow my large intestine. The itch at times was unreal. It was so bad I even went to the dermatologist but after 3 visits realized waste of money and time. This had been going on for several months and would lessen from time to time but then comes back full force.
Couple weeks ago I was stupefied. I looked in the mirror, no redness around the nose, no intestninal rash (99.5% recovery). The only reason for the clear skin that I could think of is that I stopped eating ice cream (don't need council on detriments of sugar). Then a few days later I was taking my cadre of vitamins and herbs when I saw the tiny bottle of country life moly. Don't know what other impact the moly has but the clear skin in such a short period of time is like a miricle for me after all these yrs and so much money on all the wasted so called remedies. Can only hope no side effects occur etc. How moly can be so obscure to the candida sufferer is beyond me. I may also try pantethine but I am afraid tht it may interfere with the molybdenum benefits. Anyone have thoughts on that please post them.