Re: Edit: Heresy
I believe that most people when they accept Christ don't understand all the ins and outs. The question is whether Trump ever excepted Christ before as his savior and Lord. Or, was he just learning about Him as many do. Yes, learning about Christ is seed being planted. If Donald Trump never became a new creature in Christ, if all things never became new as a result of all this learning he was still a lost soul. Only God and Donald could answer the real question as to when Donald really became saved. I think Paula is smart enough to ask Donald if he ever received Christ before, as part of the witnessing process. I think Donald is smart enough to let her know that he already did that as she was explaining it, if he would have already been saved. I don't think Donald would have agreed to say a sinner's prayer with her if he was sure he was already saved. Many Christians felt Donald was not saved. He did not seem to live a life that showed that he was indeed a new creature in Christ in spite of the fact that he did a lot of good things with his money and showed compassion and love for people. Cornelius did the same, but still needed to accept Christ as his savior.
The late Dr. D. James Kennedy who was a pastor of a Presbyterian church said he would not want to be handcuffed to a number of members of his church when they die. In other words he believed that many of his own church members were not even saved even with him being their pastor. He also said that his wife was active in the Presbyterian church and she was not saved. He started witnessing to her and he lead her to Christ. It was then that all things became new to her as she became a new creature in Christ. This is an example of an active church member being lead to Christ. I believe God used Paula, but I know that those of us who do not like Paula don't want to except this. Maybe that's why God used her. Maybe God wanted to show people like me something. His ways are not our ways. He can choose whomever He wishes.