Re: Edit: Heresy
Wow! That gray haired man sure gave us an example of what a true heretic is. I was disappointed in Eric's answer when he was asked by the old man if he thought he was saved. I would have told him flat out, "No, you can't be saved because you do not have the essential beliefs that a person must have for salvation according to the Bible." This is a true example of someone preaching another Jesus and another gospel. We needed that because we have gotten off sometimes on this forum accusing other real Christians of preaching a false gospel just because we do not agree with their doctrines. Some ministers preach the essentials of salvation and mix it with false doctrine and some major false teaching. Some of them are deceived ministers being victims of brainwashing themselves. Other ministers knowingly preach the essentials of salvation and mix it with false doctrine and major false teaching for impure motives. Most of these kind of ministers, I would say, are not even saved themselves. I think some may be saved because they are battling the flesh. For example, the money issue, they know they are lying to people about tithing and the false prosperity gospel, but teach it anyway out of fear that they will not get the funds they need or their flesh may just like the money. Some of those who do it knowingly may even be atheists.
The heretic used some effective tactics to sound believable. I'm sure he is leading many to hell by using those. He is appealing to people's emotions and compassion when he speaks about the abused and hurting and how much Jesus loves them. He made it sound like it is all about love. In his mind we are saved if we love. We don't need to do anything else Jesus taught. He is totally missing it. It goes back to the quote Vektek posted from Martin Luther. This guy is a perfect example of that. He loves some of the teachings of Jesus and tries to live by them, but he is not spiritually born again. His soul is lost.
In fact he is lying about what Jesus taught in it's entirety. He is trying to set himself up as a language scholar to add credibility to himself. We know from what he said that he is no language scholar. If he is, he is lying about what the language says. True Greek scholars do not agree with him. I've only had a year of Greek myself, but I've had enough to know that he is lying about what the Greek says. I studied the Greek New Testament during that year with a knowledgeable instructor.