Does someone have any idea of what's wrong with my bowls?
After using a public dirty loo, it seemed like it werent flushed for years, the flush was broken. I'm trying not be too graphic here but there was some disgusting stuff in there and that shit splashed up in my butthole when i was taking a shit. Yeah, i was very dumb back then.
Within about 24 hours later i had a diarrhea like i never had before, my feces were weird,kind of greenish and i passed a lot of gas all night long i couldnt even sleep.
Some years after that i got tested for
parasites and the results were negative. But now (5 years later) my guts never recovered going back to be normal, i even got some
food intolerances i never had before and that no one in my family has. Also stomach pain, bloating and flatulence. Dunno if this still is due some infection or something it triggered. I live in Brazil btw