Re: Dr Jeff - Ques B4 starting Candida Plan
Fungal candida exists as a result of antibiotic use and the imbalances within the intestinal flora which it helps to create. Your test results show that you have those imbalances.
It sounds like you have low HCL that typically comes with fungal candida and past antibiotic use. That affects liver/gall bladder function, which can create certain intolerances. Chronic inflammation of the nervous system is another result of antibiotics/candida. Skin rashes also relate to low HCL.
Your probably going to do better by taking a clay powder at the same time as doing the Plan, at least initially.
It sounds like part of your healing process equals releasing toxins that increase symptoms. The clay can help with this.
Undecenoic acid works systemically. Bacteria don't live well outside of the body, so testing isn't that accurate for populations. You don't need to worry about C. diff.
I usually recommend taking UA at least 20 minutes away from food, but it can be taken with food depending on how your body responds.
I would try getting your minerals through the clay powder. I like Terramin clay.
How candida is affected or not affected by supplements doesn't really seem to be an issue. Trying to withhold supplements from thye body does more to weaken the body than it ever will candida.
Skin issues are often related to HCL deficiency, so correcting that deficiency can be required to completely resolve skin issues. There may be other considerations, as well.
Fermented foods contain high levels of histamine, which can exacerbate inflammation.