Re: Losing Hair After Dry Fasting - Dehydration?
To add to the above, I just noticed something again this morning. I have patches missing of underarm hair.
During this 4 month time, about 2 months ago, it was growing regularly even though I'd been losing A LOT of hair on my scalp. I know this because, I had it waxed off.
It's grown back, except on the left underarm their is a bald patch, directly in the middle, I'd say I have about 40% hair left on that underarm. The right underarm however, is patchy in the middle only.
A couple of weeks ago, before starting the high protein regime again as I have been able to afford it, my eyebrows started to become patchy at the start (near the eye duct) - they have since filled in.
I have been gearing up for a juice allocation, I'm not sure if it will just be a feast/fast, or adding a certain amount of particular substances to my diet. I have a TON of books on healing/natural medicine/homeopathy/herbalism - so I'm also going that route.
Such as herbal rinses & teas, nettle, sage, birch, rosemary, Arnica Flowers, & Southernwood Aerial, Mullein Leaves Tonic, Burdock & Dandelion root & leaf, ect ect
I'm already using two EO cocktail's, one every night to massage into my scalp, & one to massage into my scalp with shampoo.
Another plus I have noticed, IS when I get my leafy greens & veg, the natural wave/curl comes back & it starts to look better. This could just be a figment of my imagination though as it is something so small right now.