Re: Post Script
What's funny is, in my teens, I had explored the realms of jelqing
But it does provide one w/ "blue balls"...
I just don't like self-gratification/over ejaculation, because it does feel draining on the energy field, in the moment its fine and dandy though
Also, it does make me feel quite dirty and ashamed, and sluggish
My mom is a healthy weight
The worms definitely react to psychotropics, such as marijuana, psychoactive drugs, wormwood, etc
When I took the mushrooms, they never scattered until I messed with the Humaworm, I was quite unaware of them except that I knew something was wrong in the GI tract
I'm developing all types of food sensitivies now, too, perhaps that is connected to candida/leaky gut as im sure they are connected to the subject of parasites
I'm trying to break out into the world, in a big way, soon.