Re: If med IV's are the cure than can anyone post info on this?
You cannot administer IV treatment without the support of a doctor.
It is just not possible or safe.
IV means Intravenous. That means the medication is added to a saline solution and a needle is inserted into the vein, then the entry of the medication into the vein is calculated to a safe level of entry time for the period of time it takes for the bag to empty into your body.
The time is calculated and the number of drips is calculated and this is threaded through a computerised motor that regulates the drips.
The bags are changed at regular intervals and the time frame appears to be over 2 weeks.
There is no way this could be done without a doctor, in a hospital under 24 hour care and observations of a trained nurse.
To do so would risk an infection which would reach the heart. There would also be risks of air embolisms entering the vein, the needle dislodging from the vein and the fluids entering the tissues and causing problems, which is common even in hospital treatment and risks involved in not knowing the correct way to spread the dose safely. All this is aside from not having the right equipment.
We've just got to draw some lines here and be realistic and sensible.