Hi, I just want to share with everyone here on the forum. I never post anything but I promise to myself last night that if I got my cyst drained this morning then I would post my experience.
I have had this cyst for a few years now. First few times it appeared then disappeared on its own. Then it came back and it was really big. I got fever, painful, hard to walk so I went to my obgyn. She was really good. So I did what the dr suggested, she drained it, inserted a catheter. It was so painful and very discomfort to walk around with it but I mangled to have the catheter attached to my private part for 6 weeks:( 6 months later, it got it again and I used sitz bath regularly and the it disappeared on its own. Since then it reappeared and disappeared and I think I'm used to it now. I just need to be patient to do sitz bath.
So last night my cyst was really big. I felt sick. I had fever, my body was so tired. I used sitz bath with Epsom salt. I took Mucinex D ( 600 mg-12hours) for thin and loosens mucus. It rained over night while I'm sleeping. This morning I did another sitz bath and I got it drained. I feel better now and will take another dose or Mucinex later today.
I hope this helps everyone.
Happy Mother's Day!!!