Re: refeeding after Dry fast
hi, it is me that doesnt recommend ending DF with WF, the reason being that if you are severely dehydrated and you drink a glass of tap water it can kill you as the water will rush into the cells to equalise the salt balance, which causes the cells to expand, when that happens to your brain cells your brain will expand but has nowhere to go and you can die, therefore you should only drink an electrolyte solution that matches the salt content in your blood.
It is not so much an issue for shorter fasts like 3 days but some people on here DF for 12 days, and so it could be possible someone could kill themself by ending a DF with a glass of water.
The other reason is that you loose electrolytes as you fast and water will just dilute them furher and increase the loss through urination.
It is up to you, if you like WF and the DF is not too long then try it but I personally don't see the point, and I don't like WF
If your electrolytes are depleted then
Sugar can kill you as well, obviously it is an extreme scenario but it is better to be careful.
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